A procedure to carefully decrease the size of a nose depends on both the skin and underlying cartilage- these are taken into account when planning for a procedure.
The operation called Reduction Rhinoplasty reduces the size of the framework of the nose over which the skin is draped. The skin itself is not touched. The frame of the nose which is made up of bone in its upper half and gristle (cartilage) in its lower half is approached from underneath the skin through cuts which are made inside the nostrils. Think of the frame of the nose as being like the roof of a house. In order to straighten the nose and bring its bridge closer to the face, its “ridge” is cut away. Then, to restore a new ”ridge” or bridge-line, the two sides of the nose are bought together by cutting the bones of the nose where they join onto the cheek bones. The elasticity of the overlying skin allows it to shrink down on the smaller frame…Â Read more!