Transitioning from Summer Skin: Time to Repair

Non-Invasive Boston, MA For many of us, fall marks the end of our favorite season. The summer vacation bug doesn’t leave, even when you’re working full time. It’s true, there is just something magical about the happy summer days. But, that doesn’t mean that we can’t love fall for what it brings us: a respite from the heat, a chance to calm down, and a time to refocus on what we want out of life. Fall is a good time to re-evaulate what’s working and what’s not, and to check in on how we want our year to end.

But it’s not winter yet! Keep reading to learn about how to transition your skin from summer mode to fall, and keep yourself looking flawless.


The drier air that comes with winter can affect how well our skin works. You may have noticed how good your skin looks when you’re in a place with more humidity–or how dry it feels when you go to the desert. Exfoliating with a gentle scrub or acid can help those flakes fall away.


Understanding your skin and how it changes in fall is important, especially when it comes to the moisturizing aspect of your skincare routine. If you’re more mature and live in the northeast part of the country, you’ll probably want a more rich moisturizer to help replace the lost moisturizer. If the air doesn’t get too cold or dry in the winter, then you might not need a very thick moisturizer. Consider adding an oil like Squalane to add a little moisture, but make sure not to overdo it.


Our favorite part of fall is the treatments we start incorporating into our schedules. Chemical peels generally give the best results in fall, but not because there’s some special element in the air. In fact, we love chemical peels for fall because there’s less chance of damage from UV rays. Plus, what better time to treat those sunspots that just started showing up this summer?

Prepare your skin for party season by coming in for a chemical peel today! Call us today at 617-632-7827 to schedule a consultation.

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