Getting manicures and applying lotion can help our hands look good, but do they really look great? We are willing to bet that not many of us have been applying sunscreen to our hands, so age spots are probably starting to sneak in. To make matters worse, the connective tissue and fat in our hands slip away as we age, so we are left with spotted, skinny, old-looking hands. Want to know how old someone is? Don’t look at their face. Look at their hands.
Granted, clothing that fits perfectly and makeup that suits you can help make up for a lack of confidence when you’re feeling low or even sick. But what can we do about hands that look old and tired?
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels aren’t just for faces anymore. Often, it’s not just the loss of fat and connective tissue that give away the age of our hands. Age spots and other damage from accidents or previous treatments can often be softened with a series of chemical peels.
Your physician will choose a chemical peel that best suits your situation, so be prepared to have a small consultation before your treatment. You may experience redness and/or swelling after a chemical peel, and the same goes for a chemical peel on the hands. You will need to wear sunscreen to prevent damage as the skin heals.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
During this procedure, a laser is used to remove a specific amount of layers of the skin to reveal a more youthful appearance. The layers removed are those damaged by sun, acne, and even accidents (that have left a scar behind), so new skin can give you a more youthful appearance. Generally, this can be performed with or without sedation, though local anesthesia is used to make the patient more comfortable.
Laser skin resurfacing may help the following skin issues:
- Remove facial wrinkles, lines, and creases
- Treat sun-damaged skin
- Help lighten pigmentation and spots
- Treat scars from birthmarks, moles, and even tattoos
- Tighten skin that has lost elasticity
If you’re interested in learning more about hand rejuvenation and treatments we can use to help your hands regain some of their lost youth, call us today at 617-632-7827 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lin.