There is no downside to massive weight loss, right? What many people do not anticipate when moving forward on a weight loss journey is the results of carrying a large amount of weight for a long period. Whether you have lost the pounds through a surgical procedure or diet and exercise alone, you may be a good candidate for post-bariatric body contouring.
Let’s Talk Skin
Young, healthy skin has a quality known as “elasticity.” Like a rubber band, your skin bounces back into place when it is stretched or pulled. Unfortunately, elasticity does have limits. When you are overweight or obese, your skin is stretched for a prolonged period. Eventually, the elastin breaks down. Your skin cannot re-contour to your body as you lose weight. At first, you may notice a slight crepe paper appearance to your skin. For men and women who are significantly overweight and shed the pounds, the skin may sag significantly and create folds.
Now, About the Fat
Your body has several types of fat, and each type plays an important role. You have fat around your internal organs to provide protection and warmth. Your skin has fat to give it a nice, smooth appearance. When you first start burning fat, you are releasing energy from the fat around your organs. At some point, your body may try to lose fat from your skin, but this type of fat is very difficult to lose. People who have lost a large amount of weight may notice random bumps and bulges on the thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, upper arms and other areas.
You Deserve to Feel Proud of Your Body
You have put in an enormous amount of work to lose the pounds, and you deserve to be proud of your achievement. Post-bariatric body contouring is a cosmetic procedure that removes the excess fat and skin to enhance your contours and make you feel more comfortable after losing a large amount of weight.
Are You Interested in Post-Bariatric Body Contouring? Contact Dr. Samuel Lin.
To learn more about our post-bariatric body contouring, breast reduction/lift, eyelid surgery and other cosmetic services, contact Dr. Samuel Lin to schedule a personal consultation at our office in Boston. You can also contact us directly at 617-632-7827.