- Botox is a quick, non-surgical treatment: Using a very fine needle, Botox is injected into a specified area to block the signals between nerves and muscles. This process allows the muscles to unwind and rest, giving the face a smoother appearance.
- You can schedule a Botox treatment during your lunch break: Botox treatments are quick and straightforward. They take a few minutes and don’t require anesthesia.
- The mouth, eye area, and forehead are common treatment areas: Botox treatments are most often used to diminish deep forehead creases, the small wrinkles around the eyes, or persistent creases around the mouth. Other areas of focus are creases along the neck or chin.
- There is a small amount of discomfort: During your Botox treatment, you will experience minimal pain.
- There are side effects, but they don’t last long: Patients may experience a headache that can last up to two days after their procedure. Bruising is the most common side effect and is a normal part of the healing process.  A drooping eyelid is rare but will disappear within two to three weeks.
- Some people should not receive Botox: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a neurological disease, you should not get Botox.
- You need to avoid certain medications and substances before your treatment: Two weeks before your Botox appointment, stop taking anti-inflammatory medications or aspirin. Alcohol should also be avoided one week before treatment.
- A Botox injection will last a few months: Botox treatments are temporary and will last up to four months. As you consistently get Botox treatments, your muscles will be trained to relax more, and the treatment may last a little longer.
- You will notice a difference pretty quick: After your Botox treatment, the full effect will be evident within three to seven days.
To schedule a consultation to determine if you would like to get Botox treatments, contact Boston Plastic Surgery at 617.632.7827.